Filtre de hârtie pentru ceai (100 de bucăți) cu băț
- 100 paper tea filters made of thin, biodegradable paper. They perfectly separate the dried tea from the water, ensuring the pleasure of drinking a delicious brew without grounds. Includes a practical stick.
Paper tea filters are the perfect way to prepare a delicious hot brew quickly and pleasantly. Made from biodegradable, sustainable paper, they perfectly separate the dried tea from the water, ridding the brew of unpleasant grounds. Designed to allow the tea leaves to unfold freely, giving their full flavour. The pack contains 100 tea filters and a practical, reusable stick that makes it easy to place the filter in the cup and remove it after the tea has been brewed.
Additional informations:
Number of filters per pack: 100 pieces
Filter dimensions: 10.1cm x 7.6cm
Stick dimensions: 14.5cm
Material: filtres: biodegradable paper; stick: plastic
Codul producătorului
Codul producătorului
Codul producatorului
Filtre de hârtie pentru ceai cu băț
Importator / Entitate responsabilă
Venusti sp. z o.o. ul. Ostrowskiego 9/508, 53-238 Wrocław, Polonia NIP: 6121860348 REGON: 366578876
Garanția vânzătorului
12 luni - Detalii reclamație
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