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Yaguar Naranja Earl Grey 50g
Yaguar Naranja Earl Grey 50g
Yaguar Naranja Earl Grey 50g
Yaguar Naranja Earl Grey 50g
Yaguar Naranja Earl Grey 50g
Yaguar Naranja Earl Grey 50g
Yaguar Naranja Earl Grey 50g
Yaguar Naranja Earl Grey 50g

Yaguar Naranja Earl Grey 50g

  • Yaguar Naranja Earl Grey is a very original and uncommon combination. Delicate and warming orange flavours complete the bitterness in the best way.
Greutate netă
Gustul de Yaguar
15,77 RON
inclusiv TVA / buc.
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Preț unitar315,40 RON / kg
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Yaguar Naranja Earl Gray is one of the most original products on the market. The composition resembles Yaguar Naranja. However, it contains the aroma of bergamot, a subspecies of orange used in the production of popular earl gray teas. How does it fuse with yerba mate? Really well! The refreshing taste of orange peel goes well with the ethereal note of bergamot. The whole is complemented by the addition of marigold and cornflower petals. The brew perfectly stimulates, and at the same time has a positive effect on health. It is worth mentioning that the ingredients used in the mixture contain a lot of vitamin C and have a strong antioxidant effect, which strengthens the resistance to harmful bacteria and viruses.


Yerba mate with sticks and medium amount of dust, orange peel, marigold petals, cornflower petals, natural aroma.


Yaguar Naranja Earl Gray is very refreshing. Still, it's far from the typical fruity yerba mate. Due to the use of the natural bergamot aroma, the brew achieves a profound character. It will be appreciated by mate tea fnas looking for original experience somewhere between the fruity freshness and the ethereal nature of the herbs. Yaguar Naranja Earl Gray works well as a cool terere or a traditional warm infusion.


Grown in a semi-wild forest without the use of pesticides, artificial fertilizers and other chemical plant protection products.

Brand’s official website:

Codul producătorului
Codul producătorului
Greutate netă
50g [rum]
Informații suplimentare
Produsul poate conține alune, nuci, cereale care conțin gluten.
Vă rugăm să rețineți că denumirea aromei eșantionului de yerba mate poate fi găsită pe eticheta din spate, chiar lângă informațiile despre ingrediente.
Cantitatea de praf din yerba mate
cantitate scăzută de praf
Puterea yerba mate
stimulare medie (3/5)
Amărăciunea de yerba mate
yerba mate echilibrată, cu amărăciune vizibilă (3/5)
Venusti sp. z o.o. ul. Ostrowskiego 9/508, 53-238 Wrocław, Polonia NIP: 6121860348 REGON: 366578876
A se păstra într-un loc uscat și răcoros.
Metoda de preparare
Se toarnă apă la o temperatură nu mai mare de 80°C.
Garanția vânzătorului
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