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Guayusa Pachamama Terere 100g
Guayusa Pachamama Terere 100g
Guayusa Pachamama Terere 100g
Guayusa Pachamama Terere 100g
Guayusa Pachamama Terere 100g
Guayusa Pachamama Terere 100g

Guayusa Pachamama Terere 100g

  • Guayusa Pachamama Terere is a blend that makes a great base of a cold drink. It's the best way to survive hot summer days!
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Ilex Guayusa

Ilex guayusa is a less known cousin of ilex paraguariensis known as yerba mate. The plant belongs to the family of holly trees. For centuries it's leaves have been used by Amazonian tribes to prepare stimulating infusions. Traditionally, the Indians would drink guayusa before hunting or during religious ceremonies. In recent years, guayusa is becoming more and more popular outside its native region. Pachamama is among the pioneering guayusa tea brands offering organic-certified products only. It means that it is produced under strictly controlled conditions without the use of pesticides and any chemicals.. It will be a perfect choice for those who care about their health!

Guayusa Pachamama Terere – organic guayusa tea with guarana

Pachamama Terere is a perfect combination of organic Ecuadorian ilex guayusa with herbal additives derived from organic farming. The first is lemongrass. Its slightly acidic aroma harmonizes perfectly with the holly, enhancing the natural qualities of the infusion. The whole thing is completed with mint , which introduces a refreshing note to the mix. Pachamama Terere is distinguished by perfectly selected ingredients in balanced proportions. Its crisp nature means that we recommend it primarily in a chilled form. The enigmatic term "terere" refers to this. Traditionally, this is how cold brewed mate tea is called. The infusion will be a healthy alternative to energy drinks or coffee. Pachamama Terere is a strong stimulant and tastes great, both in its traditional form as well as with the addition of herbs, juices or fruits.

Guayusa Pachamama Terere and its properties

  • Great stimulation effect. Each cup of guayusa tea contains up to 3% of pure caffeine, which makes it one of the most energizing drinks available!
  • In the culture of Ecuadorian and Peruvian Indians, guayusa is credited with influencing the experience of lucid dreams.

Guayusa Pachamama Terere – preparing an infusion

There are two ways of preparing guayusa tea infusion:

  • Put 2-4 tablespoons of guayusa into a 200-300 ml cup. Add boiling water. The infusion will be ready in around 5 minutes.
  • Put 3-4 tablespoons of guayusa into a dish with boiling water (approximately 500 ml). The infusion will be ready after 2-3 minutes of boiling.

Thanks to its delicate flavour, guayusa combines perfectly with fruits, juices, sugar and herbs, including yerba mate. It can be served both in hot and cold form.

Guayusa Pachamama – ingredients:

organic ilex guayusa, organic lemongrass, organic mint, natural oils.

Additional information:

Pachamama guayusa tea is the product of organic farming. Certificate: PL-EKO-02 (Non EU agriculture).

Products containing nuts are made at the plant. We make every effort to ensure that allergens are packaged as quickly as possible. However, we cannot 100% guarantee that the product will not contain traces of allergens

Codul producătorului
Codul producătorului
Greutate netă
Informații suplimentare
Produsul poate conține alune, nuci, cereale care conțin gluten.
Produs cu certificat ecologic: PL-EKO-02 (Agricultură în afara UE).
Venusti sp. z o.o. ul. Ostrowskiego 9/508, 53-238 Wrocław, Polonia NIP: 6121860348 REGON: 366578876
Metoda de preparare
Se toarnă 2-4 lingurițe de ceai de guayusa într-o cană. Turnați apă clocotită peste el. Așteptați câteva minute.
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