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Yaguar Fiesta 0.5kg
Yaguar Fiesta 0.5kg
Yaguar Fiesta 0.5kg
Yaguar Fiesta 0.5kg
Yaguar Fiesta 0.5kg
Yaguar Fiesta 0.5kg

Yaguar Fiesta 0.5kg

  • Yaguar Fiesta 500 g 0.5 kg is a Brazilian yerba mate full of fruit ingredients in perfectly selected proportions. It contains a lot of caffeine and has a mild taste. Recommended for beginners and advanced!
Greutate netă
Gustul de Yaguar
35,77 RON
inclusiv TVA / buc.
Cel mai mic preț cu 30 de zile înainte de reducere:
Preț unitar71,54 RON / kg
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Yaguar Fiesta is the highest quality yerba mate produced in accordance with the centuries-old South American tradition. It is made of ilex grown in a diverse ecosystem without the use of pesticides, artificial fertilizers and chemical plant protection products. After harvest, the leaves and sticks undergo a traditional process of drying using smoke. Yaguar, however, is far from products known for their strongly bitter accents. All thanks to the long period of maturing (maturing), which is as much as 18 months. The dried fruit then becomes noble and the various plant elements harmonize perfectly. Despite its mild taste, yerba has a high content of natural caffeine.

Yaguar Fiesta is a delicious fruity yerba mate, which in almost 1/5 consists of ingredients of natural origin in perfectly balanced proportions. In addition to the mild, long-seasoned yerba mate leaves, the mix also includes strawberry fruit with a wonderful sweet taste. It is contrasted with refreshing mint and lemongrass with a slightly sour character. The whole is accompanied by rose petals. Their floral scent is a great binder of all ingredients used in the mixture. Yaguar Fiesta guarantees a large dose of caffeine in a wonderful, unique flavor coating. Due to the perfect balance and lack of overly intense notes, yerba will appeal to both beginners and advanced mateists. We recommend!



Additional info:

Net weight : 500 g

Manufactured for : Venusti Sp. z o.o.

Country of Origin : Brazil

Preparation method : Pour water at a temperature not higher than 80 ° C.

Best before : expiry date and batch number on the package.

Store in a cool and dry place

Visit the official website of the brand.

Codul producătorului
Codul producătorului
Greutate netă
Informații suplimentare
Produsul poate conține alune, nuci, cereale care conțin gluten.
Cantitatea de praf din yerba mate
cantitate scăzută de praf
Puterea yerba mate
stimulare medie (3/5)
Amărăciunea de yerba mate
yerba mate echilibrată, cu amărăciune vizibilă (3/5)
Venusti sp. z o.o. ul. Ostrowskiego 9/508, 53-238 Wrocław, Polonia NIP: 6121860348 REGON: 366578876
A se păstra într-un loc uscat și răcoros.
Metoda de preparare
Se toarnă apă la o temperatură nu mai mare de 80°C.
Garanția vânzătorului
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